Research Consortium for the Intimate and the Public親密圏/公共圏研究コンソーシアム

How to use the platform?

How to edit my profile?

  • Author : KICAS_adm
  • Publish Time : 01/26/2015 08:38PM
1 How to edit My Profile?2 Code mode3 Additional information about RESEARCH INTEREST1. How to edit My Profile?When you're logging in, you are directed to the page of your "Profile"; by clicking the user icon (indicated with a red arrow in the example below), you can go to the page, too. Click on the button of "EDIT MY PROFILE" (indicated with a red square), you can begin to edit this page. One can edit one's own display name and affiliation name as one pleases.  To manage one's own avatar, please refer to the post "How to upload and manage my avatar?"You can use the "what you see is what you get" editor to edit your CV. Basic office skills including putting
  • Authority structure of the site

    01/26/2015 08:38PM Posted by KICAS_adm Views: 1,738, Replies: 1

    The authority structure of this site is very simple. Moderator manages memberships and approve posts on official pages including "Event" and "Panels." The rest part of the site, all members share the same authority. Members can edit profiles, post/reply……

  • How to upload and manage my avatar?

    01/26/2015 08:37PM Posted by KICAS_adm Views: 1,954, Replies: 1

    1 How to edit My Profile?2 Code mode3 Additional information about RESEARCH INTEREST4 Upload my avatar5 Manage my avatar4. Upload my avatarOn the platform, both the individual members and the institutional members can upload pictures to represent her-/him-/itself. It……

  • How to use Private Communication

    01/26/2015 12:51PM Posted by RCIP_adm Views: 1,404, Replies: 2

    Please let the beginners know how to read and write the messages in "private communication"!

  • Re: How to use Private Communication

    01/26/2015 08:30PM Posted by gustav Views: 2,559, Replies: 0

    1 How to edit My Profile?2 Code mode3 Additional information about RESEARCH INTEREST4 Upload my avatar5 Manage my avatar6 Log in to use "Private Communication"7 E-mail notification8 Friends list and Groups list9  Edit new message6. Log in to use……

  • How to post information in Events, News, and Opportunities

    01/26/2015 12:55PM Posted by RCIP_adm Views: 1,173, Replies: 1

    Please let the beginners know how to post important announcements or information in Events, News, and Opportunities!